Sustainable Suesa
We can all do something to fight climate change
- Use a bicycle, public transport or carpool when you use it.
- Choose products that are not packaged in plastic and recycle or reuse the packaging.
- Choose locally produced and seasonal products. This will reduce the consumption of fuel used for transport.
- Be a responsible consumer. Consume only what you need and use up the useful life of products. In other words, when you are going to throw something away, ask yourself if it can be reused, recycled or repaired. And remember that organic waste can also be recycled by converting it into compost.
- Use reusable bags instead of plastic.
- Turn off lights that you are not using. Make the most of the sunlight by opening windows and using light colors on the walls.
- Unplug electrical appliances when not in use. Some appliances, such as the television, continue to use energy when they are not in use.
- Save water. Take a shower instead of a bath, and keep your shower time to less than five minutes. Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth, and put dishes in the dishwasher, if you have one, instead of washing them by hand.
- The ideal temperature at home is 20 degrees in winter and between 22 and 25 in summer. Do not waste extra energy on heating or air conditioning.
- Avoid using batteries and, if you have no other option, use rechargeable ones.