Today I bring you one of the most innovative discoveries related to science and of course, it comes from the application of the coils copper Tesla's research into a new field, in this case nanotechnology. Scientists at Rice University in the United States have discovered a new phenomenon they have called "teslaphoresis."
What is Teslaphoresis?
Teslaphoresis occurs when carbon nanotubes are subjected to the force of a Tesla coil. When exposed to the electricity of the coil, the nanotubes take on electrical polarity and self-assemble, forming long rows of conductive material from wireless energy. These conductive threads can measure several centimeters, as has been demonstrated so far at Rice University. So far, experiments have been carried out in different environments, both in non-conductive water, in air and in vacuum, demonstrating their functionality in all these environments and paving the way for possible future applications in different fields, with special interest in regenerative medicine.
New uses and utilities
Through the experimentation with Teslaphoresis, we will be able to make great strides in the field of nanotechnology, as it will allow us to build and “weave” new circuits using the electromagnetic fields of Tesla copper coils. These new circuits created from wireless energy could be built both outside and inside structures. Including the human body, repairing tissues or creating new ones by manipulating nanotubes and electromagnetic fields.
The potential of this novel discovery will have to be decided over time, but right now, the ideas of the team working on it are endless and over time we will be able to see the results of their experiments. For more information on this, You can read the full work here or if you want to know more about our work, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.